Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas indeed!

One of my Christmas gifts this year: two Butterscotch and Rose charm packs! EEEEK!! So excited! I'm going to make a Drunkard's Path with them. :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

3 down, 3 to go

Tooth fairy pillow 1:

Tooth fairy pillow 2:

K's quilt:
Custom order king, measures 100x92, inspired by baby quilt found on Pinterest (oh Pinterest! How I do love thee!). And he liked it! Win all over, though the making of it was fraught with frustrations (like spinning-wheel oil tipping and leaking and dripping all over the thing). Thank goodness for Goo-Gone (got all the oil out) and prayer (also got all the oil out). ;)

Three more gifts to go. Christmas is a day away, I think I can do it!

Yeah, no.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


... with a church project, that is. The only thing I actually got done on my "craft" list this week was a gingerbread house I did with my son. Pretty sure he's happy with it, so that makes me satisfied with my project list this week. But now I really need to attack that quilt. I've had it on the back burner long enough. It is time to get that thing rolling!